Day 1 of Liquid Diet

Today is July 12, 2017.

Today I start my liquid diet for my sleeve surgery. The date for my surgery is July 24th at 9:30 AM.

Yesterday I got the news that I am approved for surgery and received my date for surgery. I  cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for this new journey. Some of you might think that I am taking the easy way out. Well, let me tell you one thing, if you think for one second that this is the easy way out, you are sorely mistaken. For roughly two weeks, the only things that I get to "eat" is in liquid form. That means, no sushi, no seafood, no tacos, no hamburgers, no cake etc.

Then again, some of you might think that this is going to be too hard for me to do. I can guarantee, that the hard thing that I have to deal with on a daily basis is the pain that is in my back every day. My knees that scream at me when I walk down the stairs, my ankles that give out for no reason at all, causing sprained ankles every month, the constant heachaches that I get on a weekly basis, and the c-pap machine that I have to sleep with every night. Let me tell you, it isn't as sexy as you may think. I also have to deal with not being able to shop inside the mall for clothes, not being able to shop at other stores without crying, and wearing a swimsuit, yeah... that is a joke. There isn't a swimsuit out there that I have ever looked cute in.

So why am I doing this? I have two kids that love to be active. They count on me to show them things, and I can't do that when I have to stop every 10 minutes to catch my breath. I can't lose my life early in life. I want to see my kids grow up.

So now my support system. First my boyfriend Jay. He is more supportive of me getting healthier. He is going to go through the diet with me. My children are excited that I am going to be getting healthier. They said we can go on bike rides when I get better. My Sister and Brother in law, I am going to be there to see my Nephew grow up. My "mother in Law and sister in law" they want me to get healthier so I am around for my children and boyfriend. My Dad and stepmom Kynda, they are excited I am getting healthier. Then My best friends, Sarah, Jordan, and Debbie. They want me to be the best version of me that I can be. Sarah and Jordan and going to be doing a modified diet with me so I am not alone. My Other best friends Holly and Daniel. These two are going through the same journey and were the ones that told me that I should check into it. July is the month of surgeries. Three of us are going to be getting this procedure done.

I guess what I am trying to say is, this is day 1 of the start of the rest of my life.

Today's weight 233.7


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