Day 5 & 6 of my liquid diet

These past two days have been a million times easier than the first 4. 

Yesterday (Day 5) I woke up and had energy for days. I mean, I have no clue where this energy came from, I don't want it to go away. The only downside to all that energy, no matter how much house work I did, I couldn't go to sleep when I wanted to. I still had my occipital nerve pinched so I was still in a fair amount of pain, but I pushed through it. 

Today (Day 6) I got that occipital nerve fixed and I feel amazing. Still a ton of energy. I am managing to get most of my fluids in. I still have to choke down a shake or two. The water is going down smoothly. As I was making mac and cheese for my kids for dinner I didn't even have the urge to take a bite. I have worked and come to far to turn back now!  

I have pre-op appointments on the 19 to get all the labs done. The kiddos have been taken care of and Jay is still being super supportive. Even when all I want to do it quit, he tells me no. 

7  days and I will have a mini stomach!! 


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