Post-op day 2

Being home is wonderful! Jay has been nothing but supportive and helpful with everything. The kids have been helpful as well. The dog and cats won't leave my side. The liquid hydrocodone on the other hand hates me! It irritates my stomach and makes it hurt, like physically hurt. So now I get the joy of crushing up extra strength Tylenol and putting in something that I can take it in. I'm almost to the point where I don't need medication, but it sure would help when I'm sleeping. Getting water down is a little more difficult than I thought it would be. I drink water no problem, but I'm use to drinking it quickly and with a straw. Now I have to drink it slowly and with no straw.

My two week follow up appointment is the 8th. Hopefully by then I can move to soft foods. I can't wait for eggs!!! Next week, or when I feel less sore, I'm going to hit the gym. Treadmill at first. I don't want to over do it. But I'm excited that for once in the 9 years I won't be afraid to go on the treadmill.


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